My name is Charlie Ray

I enjoy building software to solve complex problems.

Charlie Ray

* left-hand side of image filled in with generative AI

Work Experience

Chief Technology Officer, Co-Founder

Fundraising Fits

Jan 2022 - Present: Boulder, Colorado

GIS & Full Stack Web Developer Intern

EdgeCore Internet Real Estate

Jun 2022 - Mar 2023: Broomfield, Colorado

Data Science Contractor


Jun 2021 - Sep 2021: Remote

Data Engineer Intern

Franklin Mineral Holdings, LLC

Jun 2019 - Aug 2019: Denver, Colorado

Large Projects

Cal Poly Quant Club: President

California Polytechnic State University

Mar 2023 - Present: San Luis Obispo, California

Rillion Brokerage

Personal Project

Oct 2020 - Apr 2021: Amherst, Massachusets

Predicting Election Results with AI

Peak to Peak Charter School

Oct 2020 - May 2021: Amherst, Massachusets

Small Projects

AP Physics Forum

Peak to Peak Charter School

Aug 2020 - Nov 2020: Lafayette, Colorado

Rise Peak

Peak to Peak Charter School

Apr 2022: Lafayette, Colorado

Computer Science Honors Society Connection App

Peak to Peak Charter School

Aug 2021 - Feb 2022: Lafayette, Colorado

Mini Projects


A simple simulation of an ant colony

Particle Art

A particle based simulation


A visualization of differential equations

Chief Technology Officer, Co-Founder

Fundraising Fits

Jan 2022 - Present: Boulder, Colorado


Fundraising Fits is an online e-commerce platform where individuals with a community following can sell customizable merchandise to their followers for a profit. Fundraising Fits manages the web-hosting, payment processing, and manufacturing services for the sellers listed on the platform.

What I did

  • Developed a progressive web app enabling individuals to easily create their own personalized stores
  • Created integrations with third party payment processors and manufacturers via API connections
  • Interviewed, Hired, and Managed a team of three other software developers, ensuring effective collaboration between multiple develoeprs on one project
  • Successfully marketed services and onboarded multiple organizations, driving growth and adoption
  • Created pitch decks utilizng in depth analysis of the relevant markets
  • Interfaced effectivly with the financial and marketing sides of the business, driving key decisons using data

How it works

  • Django web app
  • Hosted on Digital Ocean servers, using both standard server based computer and serverless lambda functions for non-critical infastructure.
  • Integrating generative AI art designer for users who lack graphic design skills
  • Integrating generative AI web designer for users who lack web design skills
  • Integrated with payment processors API's to facilitate easy payments between both sellers and buyers
  • Integrated with manufacturers API's to allow users to sell a wide range of customizable products

Check it out!

GitHub Repo is private for security reasons.

GIS & Full Stack Web Developer Intern

EdgeCore Internet Real Estate

Jun 2022 - Mar 2023: Broomfield, Colorado


Initially brought on as a finance intern, quickly changed to a web developer intern as that is how I could provide the most value to the business. Worked closely with the finance team to drive data driven decisions on how best to apprach Edgecore's European expansion.

What I did

  • Developed an integrated web based GIS service to enhance research into the optimal location for a data center
  • Scraped public records to populate a database with relevant information (Fiber, power, broadband)
  • Developed an algorithm for displaying millions of individual datapoints without loosing performance
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to ensure the application met business requirements
  • Integrated service with third party data storage systems
  • Created an excel API such that geogrpahical data could be edited in Excel, and reflected on the maps in real time

How it works

  • Django web app
  • Hosted on AWS
  • Integrated with Box API for secure data storage
  • Integrated with OKTA API to ensure only authenticated employees could use the app
  • Utilized the Javascript library leaflet to power the mapping engine
  • Utilized Box's webhooks to create a makeshift "API" with Excel to allow for realtime data upload between an Excel file on a users machine, and the web-based database

GitHub Repo is private for security reasons.

Data Science Contractor


Jun 2021 - Sep 2021: Remote


PhysiSens is a startup that is developing a wearable device that provides feedback for physical therapy or professional athletes during their workouts. I was brought on to help develop the machine learning algorithms that would be used to compare users workouts to "optimal" workouts.

What I did

  • Spearheaded the creation and optimization of machine learning algorithms tailored for the unique requirements of PhysiSens's wearable device.
  • Ensured that users received real-time feedback utilzing REST based API's to offload the machine learning onto larger AWS servers.
  • Worked closely with the product engineering team, ensuring seamless integration of the ML algorithms with the hardware.
  • Utilized wavelet convolutions to isolate individual reps of a workout for analysis
  • Created statistical models to measure the maximum muscle strength, time under tension, range of motion, training load, and motion load

How it works:

  • Unity based mobile app
  • Used bluetooth to connect to the wearable IMU units
  • Utilized AWS serverice to host the processing intensive machine learning models
  • Connected individul users phones to the AWS servers utilizing both REST based APIs and streaming APIs for motion data

GitHub Repo is private for security reasons.

Data Engineer Intern

Franklin Mineral Holdings, LLC

Jun 2019 - Aug 2019: Denver, Colorado


Franklin Mineral Holdings is a holdings firm that invests in mineral rights. I was brought on to help develop a data pipeline that would allow the company to more effectively manage their assets.

What I did

  • Developed data pipelines to pre-process data before it was analyised by the ML models
  • Created labeling software to assist other interns in data collection
  • Wrote web scrapers to scrape online databases
  • Created schedulers to automatically run the scrapers every morning

How it works

  • Python based pipelines
  • Scrapers hosted on Azure virtual machines

GitHub Repo is private for security reasons.

Cal Poly Quant Club: President

California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Mar 2023 - Present: San Luis Obispo, California


Cal Poly Quant Club is an academic club focused on teaching students about quantitative finance. We provide hands on project opportunities for students to learn about the industy, and network with professionals.

What I did

  • Founded the club
  • Drove club adoption and grew membership count to 42 and growing
  • Organized and led weekly meetings
  • Prepared and presented lecture material
  • Planned projects for students to work on, consisting of cross disciplinary teams spanning computer science, business, and statistics
  • Hosted social events to promote a more collaborative enviornment

How it works

  • Weekly research paper reviews where one student presents a recent research paper to the club, and we discuss the implications of the paper
  • Montly interviews with industry professionals, spannnig private equity to corporate real estate
  • Quarterly projects relating to all sectors of quantitative finance, consisting of students from a variety of majors.
  • Resume worksops and mock interviews

Rillion Brokerage

Oct 2020 - Apr 2021: Amherst, Massachusets


Rillion Brokerage was a web app where users could papertrade using realtime stock and options data. I wanted to test the hypothesis that individuals could generate alpha against the market. In order to obtain users, I pitched the site to stock trading discord communities, as a way to create a competition between their members.

What I did

  • Developed web based paper trading software, allowing users to short/long both stocks and option contracts
  • Integrated with TD Ameritrade's RESTful and streaming APIs to provide users with realtime data
  • Created a database to store all users trades, for analysis later on
  • Integrated with Discord's APIs to allow users to place trades directly through discord, without the need to access the online website
  • Allowed discord server owners to analyize data in order to rank their members for the competition

How it works

  • Django web app
  • Hosted on Digital Ocean droplets
  • Utilized a PostgreSQL database for storing user's positions

GitHub Repo

Predicting Election Results with AI

Oct 2020 - May 2021: Amherst, Massachusets


Research project for my science research seminar class I took Junior year of highschool. I wanted to test if tweets from twitter could be used to predict the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

What I did

  • Created a database of 3M politically active tweets, with geo-location data
  • Developed a web application to allow myself and others to quickly determine if a tweet was "right-leaning" or "left-leaning" in order to create training data
  • Used bag of words algorithm to classify the rest of the 3M tweets as either "right-leaning" or "left-leaning"
  • Employed statistical models to predict states based off the ratio of "right" or "left" tweets from each state
  • Model was highly accurate for stats with many tweets, and highly inaccurate to low population states, as they had less tweets
  • Placed second for computer science in the Colorado ISEF state science fair

AP Physics Forum

Aug 2020 - Nov 2020: Lafayette, Colorado


AP Physics Forum was a web app where students could ask questions about AP Physics, and other students could answer them. I created this to try to aliviate some of the struggle of online learning, as no one could physically meet up to study. It never ended up getting used, but promted my professor to start using piazza, as it accomplished the same goals, without the need for me to maintain it.

What I did

  • Developed a web app where students could link their school provided emails in order to login
  • Allowed users to post questions, leaving space for both students to respond, and for the professor to respond

How it works

  • Django web app
  • Hosted on Digital Ocean droplets
  • Utilized a PostgreSQL database for storing questions

Rise Peak

Apr 2022: Lafayette, Colorado


My high school had a spirit day where students would have individualized schedules with a variety of different activites for the day. I created a very simple web page where, based off the students email, would inform them of their schedule for the day. In addition, students would earn points for their grade, my app allowed authorized users to collectivly add points.

What I did

  • Created a web app where students could input their email, and recieve their schedule
  • Developed an authorization system for event leaders to add points to the grade
  • Created an interface where authroized users could add events, along with which students were participating to the database

How it works

  • Django web app
  • Hosted on Digital Ocean droplets
  • Utilized a PostgreSQL database for events

Computer Science Honors Connection App

Aug 2021 - Feb 2022: Lafayette, Colorado


Created a platform where members of the Computer Science Honors Society (CSHS) could connect with each other and work on projects together. Allowed collaboration between students of different skill levels, and different grades, along with students from other highschools.

What I did

  • Created a web app where students could create a profile with their relevant skills
  • Allowed project leaders to post projects, along with requesting help for specific tasks
  • Students could then contribute to projects where their skillsets were needed

How it works

  • Django web app
  • Hosted on Digital Ocean droplets
  • Utilized a PostgreSQL database for events

GitHub Repo



A rudementary simulation of an ant colony. The ants leave behind "pheremones" (a vector) that lead the other ants in the direction of food.

Check it out!

"Particle Art"


A particle simulation, where the particles have a restoring force to their pixel value in the image. The mouse has a repelling forse in a radius around it.

Check it out!



The project offers a dynamic visualization of the Aizawa attractor by placing particles within its vector field, showcasing the intricate patterns and behaviors of the system.

Check it out!